On My Mind

Welcome to my personal blog! Here you'll discover an array of lifestyle and personal development topics, each crafted to ignite inspiration, provoke thought, and encourage personal growth. From transformative life strategies to insightful reflections on everyday challenges, my aim is to give you food for thought and reflection with my collection.

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In a world where ambition is both celebrated and feared, the journey towards realizing one’s dreams is often fraught with obstacles. Among these, one of the most disheartening can be the negative influence of others who, feeling threatened by your aspirations, seek to dampen your spirit or divert your path. Understanding why this happens, recognizing … Read more

Current Posts

Balancing Your Male and Female Energy
Balancing Your Male and Female Energy

Have you ever heard someone talking about “male” and “female” energy and wondered what in the world they were on about? Well, buckle up, because we’re diving into an intriguing concept that goes beyond gender stereotypes and touches on the essence of human experience. The idea is that male and female energies — often referred … Read more

Understanding Victim Mentality
Understanding Victim Mentality

In our journey through life, it’s not uncommon to encounter hurdles, face adversity, and sometimes feel like the universe is conspiring against us. But have you ever noticed how some people seem to get stuck in that feeling? This is what we often refer to as a victim mentality, a mindset where one sees themselves … Read more

How to Stop Sweating the Small Stuff
How to Stop Sweating the Small Stuff

In the grand tapestry of life, it’s incredibly easy to get caught up in the minutiae — the tiny, often inconsequential details that, for some reason, manage to consume a disproportionate amount of our mental real estate. You know what I’m talking about: the spilled coffee on your new shirt, the traffic jam when you’re … Read more

Drop Your Sword — Combatting the Urge to Be Defensive
Drop Your Sword — Combatting the Urge to Be Defensive

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a seemingly benign conversation that suddenly took a left turn, leaving you feeling like you’ve just been cornered in a boxing ring? One moment, you’re discussing something as innocuous as weekend plans or a recent movie, and the next, you feel your heart rate pick up, … Read more

The Empowering Epoch: How Turning 40 Can Be an Invigorating New Start
The Empowering Epoch: How Turning 40 Can Be an Invigorating New Start

Each decade of life marks new opportunities for reflection, growth, and assessment of where one is in life. I turned 40 this summer, and my mind was preparing for that long before the date arrived and has been reflecting on it well after. There were many moments of emotions and observations that came with approaching … Read more

How to Inject Excitement into Your Everyday Life
How to Inject Excitement into Your Everyday Life

Life is a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. While it’s easy to get stuck in the humdrum of daily routines, it’s crucial for our well-being to infuse moments of excitement into our days. The following article aims to share suggestions on how you can inject more zest, thrill, and vivacity into your life. … Read more

Mastering Patience — Applying It Across Varied Settings
Mastering Patience — Applying It Across Varied Settings

Patience, often hailed as a virtue, is a skill that can be honed and tailored to various environments. In a world rife with instant gratification and breakneck speed, maintaining patience can seem like an uphill task. However, by understanding its nuances and deliberately practicing it across different settings, you can enhance your interactions, decision-making, and … Read more

20 Ways to Build Your Confidence
20 Ways to Build Your Confidence

Confidence is the firm belief in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. It is a cornerstone for success in many aspects of life, including professional, social, and personal spheres. Not only does confidence make you feel better about yourself, but it also impacts how others perceive and interact with you. Thankfully, confidence isn’t a fixed trait; … Read more

Why You Should Keep an Open Mind
Why You Should Keep an Open Mind

An open mind is one of the most valuable tools we can possess in life. It allows us to approach new experiences with curiosity, learn from others, and embrace different perspectives. Conversely, a closed mind can lead to a limited understanding of the world around us, missed opportunities, and even intolerance towards those who are … Read more

My Coaching Courses

The New Confident You: How to go from Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery

The New Confident You: How to go from Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery

Healing after a Divorce: Your Road to Recovery

Healing after a Divorce: Your Road to Recovery

Have a Sexy, Fun Life: How to Stop Living Basic and Start Living Bold

Stop Being Basic and Start Being Bold: Your Guide to Living a Sexy, Fun Lifestyle

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