Feel Good

Steps Toward Recovery after a Divorce
Steps Toward Recovery after a Divorce

Going through a divorce is one of the most challenging and emotionally draining experiences a person can go through. It is a time when everything seems to fall apart, and you feel like you have lost everything. However, the end of a marriage does not have to mean the end of your happiness. In fact, … Read more

How to Combat Negative Moods
How to Combat Negative Moods

Negative moods can be very challenging to deal with, and they can have a significant impact on your daily life. They can make it difficult to focus on work, lead to conflict in relationships, and overall make you feel terrible. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can use to bring yourself out of a negative … Read more

Seven Practical Tips to Stop Making Excuses
Seven Practical Tips to Stop Making Excuses

It’s natural for people to make excuses about why they cannot do something or have not achieved a goal. Most people I have worked with know intuitively when they actually have a true roadblock they cannot get around, verse an excuse they are leaning on. We have all fallen into that rut, so don’t get … Read more

Take a YOU Day
Take a YOU Day

Work, family, social life, household tasks, post work emails, pets, workouts, errands… these are all some of the important and also tedious but necessary parts of our lives that enrich us, and at the same time when we are overloaded and not well rested can represent additional stress. Do you recall the last time you … Read more

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