Be Inspired

Forgiveness as Freedom: Letting Go of Resentment and Anger
Forgiveness as Freedom: Letting Go of Resentment and Anger

Forgiveness is a concept that cuts across various cultures and philosophies. Often seen as a noble act, forgiveness is more than just kindness towards others — it’s a journey toward personal freedom. Below I will delve into the nature of forgiveness, how holding onto resentment and anger can harm us, and how letting go can … Read more

Keep Your Dreams Alive: Navigating the Challenges of Ambition
Keep Your Dreams Alive: Navigating the Challenges of Ambition

In a world where ambition is both celebrated and feared, the journey towards realizing one’s dreams is often fraught with obstacles. Among these, one of the most disheartening can be the negative influence of others who, feeling threatened by your aspirations, seek to dampen your spirit or divert your path. Understanding why this happens, recognizing … Read more

10 Ways to Bring Creativity into Your Life
10 Ways to Bring Creativity into Your Life

Creativity is a vital part of life, and it doesn’t have to be limited to just the arts or professional settings. In fact, incorporating creativity into our daily lives can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding existence. But where do you start if you’re not used to thinking creatively? Below are some ideas to … Read more

Our Symbiotic World
Our Symbiotic World

Amidst the chatter, the questions, and the concerns of recent global events, my mind has been distracted with a new level of awareness regarding the symbiotic relationship shared by all of humanity. This relationship spans all reaches of the globe. It includes all races, all cultures, all ages and all levels of political influence, business … Read more

Should You Make Your Passion Your Career?
Should You Make Your Passion Your Career?

“I work for an IT company, but I don’t feel passion for my job. My true passion is singing, but I’m afraid of following my passion because I have family responsibilities, and I’m not sure I’ll earn enough as a singer”. Emily, age 39. “I have a tech startup idea that will change the world, … Read more

Own Your Stuff
Own Your Stuff

People come with all sorts of personality traits, needs, quirks and flaws and spend a lot of time apologizing for who they are or what they have or have not done. I want to encourage you to ditch that self deprecation and walk with confidence! You will be searching a lifetime to find a unicorn … Read more

You Got This
You Got This

We can always make excuses for what we CAN’T do but how many of us make excuses about what we CAN do? Below is a list of some amazing success stories from people who were told they were not qualified or smart enough to achieve success in the careers they desired. These individuals prevailed against … Read more

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