On My Mind

Understanding Victim Mentality
Understanding Victim Mentality

In our journey through life, it’s not uncommon to encounter hurdles, face adversity, and sometimes feel like the universe is conspiring against us. But have you ever noticed how some people seem to get stuck in that feeling? This is what we often refer to as a victim mentality, a mindset where one sees themselves … Read more

Three Tips for a Healthy Relationship
Three Tips for a Healthy Relationship

Anyone who has been in a relationship knows that it takes effort to keep the spark going. If you value your partner and want to make sure you have lasting mutual love and respect, take a minute to read over my top 3 tips for a healthy relationship! 1. Don’t Publicly Bicker Most people are … Read more

Exploring the Other Side
Exploring the Other Side

Do you always follow one genre of news? One thought process? One mindset? One way of thinking? Are you convinced that your convictions are correct and have an automatic shut off valve when a varying opinion makes its way into your orbit? Mask no mask? Black Lives Matter or All Lives Matter? Love Trump or … Read more

The Greater Message
The Greater Message

Questions, anxiety, fear, suspicion, paranoia, caution… these words and feelings should sound more than familiar to you by now, given our current global state of affairs. For the first time in modern history, we are collectively facing our fragility as species. Our fragility in health yes, but also our fragility with our mind and our … Read more

How Gratitude Changes Your Life
How Gratitude Changes Your Life

It is easy to focus on the negatives in life. All humans have stress and hardship we must endure; this is unavoidable. Even though we have to face challenging elements, it is essential to be grateful for all the wonderful things we have or the people we meet. Practicing gratitude can play a game-changing role … Read more

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