On My Mind

Help! I’m Broke and Want to Travel
Help! I’m Broke and Want to Travel

In the world of social media exposure to all things beautiful, adventurous and exciting it’s hard to be content when you’re hunkered in at home, cooped up and dreaming of exotic places! There is so much to do, see and experience of course you want to be apart of that ! Sigh… if only we … Read more

The One Month Clothing Challenge
The One Month Clothing Challenge

How many times have you perused your closet looking at a sea of clothing and said “I have nothing to wear”? I recently was getting ready to go out to meet some friends for dinner and I was looking at my closet but in my mind, I couldn’t find anything to wear. When I’m in … Read more

Say NO to the Doldrums!
Say NO to the Doldrums!

In life we can wake up in the morning, start the day off on the right foot, and before we know it find ourselves slipping into a state of doldrums. Perhaps it’s triggered by an annoying conversation with a family member, a weird interaction at the workplace, a depressing podcast, or an unpleasant bill in … Read more

Take a YOU Day
Take a YOU Day

Work, family, social life, household tasks, post work emails, pets, workouts, errands… these are all some of the important and also tedious but necessary parts of our lives that enrich us, and at the same time when we are overloaded and not well rested can represent additional stress. Do you recall the last time you … Read more

You Got This
You Got This

We can always make excuses for what we CAN’T do but how many of us make excuses about what we CAN do? Below is a list of some amazing success stories from people who were told they were not qualified or smart enough to achieve success in the careers they desired. These individuals prevailed against … Read more

My Coaching Courses

The New Confident You: How to Go from Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery

The New Confident You: How to Go from Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery

Healing After a Divorce: Your Road to Recovery

Healing After a Divorce: Your Road to Recovery

Have a Sexy, Fun Life: How to Stop Living Basic and Start Living Bold

Have a Sexy, Fun Life: How to Stop Living Basic and Start Living Bold

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